Avery begins his career as a wrestler by putting cousin Sam in a choke-hold. This move was developed after much practice on the cat and various visiting dogs.
After Zach's birth, Sara's folks came over to help watch Avery. They brought Nicky along to spend time with our rambunctious toddler. He has obviously learned patience at the hands of the cousins (Gabrielle, Genevieve, Madison, Sam).
In the hospital, Zachary routinely slept 5, 6, even 7 hours between feedings. This gave us great hope that maybe he would keep it up! Sadly, he is now averaging something more like 2-3 hours at a time. Here's Avery watching over one tired Daddy.
Zachary doesn't have too many of his own toys yet, but even the ones meant for him have been appropriated by Avery. We'll just have to hope that the allure wears off before he exceeds this swing's weight limit!
This is a precarious situation. Touching is fun, but poking and prodding is much more fun. Avery got to appreciate his new brother up close for a few carefully supervised moments, but it will be a long time before we can leave them alone together.
Here we are, all together for the first time. It's still sinking in that our family has increased by 1/3 (and about 1/30th by weight...)
Avery doesn't quite "get" why mommy is in bed, or why it hurts to kick her cesarean incision, so this pose lasted for about 15 seconds before he was relieved of his bed pass.
Here are some glamor shots from Zachary's first few moments in the OR. Check out those goopy eyes!
Newborns are immediately popped under the infrared warmer to be cleaned off and have tests administered. Then they get bundled up and handed off to the parents for a couple of minutes of cooing and wonderment (the "OMG what have we gotten ourselves into?" comes later).
Zachary Warren Burke was born on Feb 17th just before 8:30 AM. Baby and mother are both doing great. Unlike his brother, Zach took right to eating and has been pretty easy going (which is a good thing, because as repeat parents, we don't get seem to get quite the same level of hands-on attention from the hospital staff).
Welcome to the first post of our Baby Burkes blog. Our second son is due to arrive any day now, and we can't wait to share him with all of you. Hopefully we will manage to keep this blog updated regularly and give you a peek into the lives of our kids.