On our boat, Eli had the first catch of the day; a Pink salmon. We were fishing for Silvers (Coho), and the limit was two per person per day. The pinks had a different limit, but according to our guide the meat is very mushy and mostly just suitable for canning, so we let it go. You can tell this is a female because it does not have the silly looking hump just behind the head that gives them the nickname humpies.

The next fish into the boat was this Silver I caught at about 10am. We had been sitting on the river for about three hours in misty rain and 50 degree temps. Everyone as freezing cold and I was thinking of calling it a day when I caught this beauty. My mood soared and I went on to catch several more (sadly, the rest were undesirable pinks, but still fun to pull in).

At the end of the day Eli and I each had one Silver. The other couple in our boat didn't manage to catch any. Some boats caught the limit; one or two didn't catch any Silvers at all. The scenery and experience were both amazing, and taking home and eating a fish I caught was awesome! But the next time I go fishing, I will make sure the weather is warmer! ;-)