We left our house around 11am to drive to my parent's house for lunch. Then Lisa and I went to have our hair done, which seemed to take forever. When we got back, Eli was struggling to dress the boys and himself, but I couldn't help because I needed to get dressed and put on makeup.
Lisa, Brian, and I left early to have our pictures taken, but it turned out to be unnecessary because the photographer was 30 minutes late. The cousins arrived shortly after we got started and proceeded to run around the grounds and get dirty. When the pictures were done we had to wait for almost an hour before the ceremony started. Thankfully, Nani thought to bring Color Wonder and Color Explosion activity books for the kids and some sandwiches to snack on.
Finally it was time for the ceremony. Avery and Zachary made it down the isle, but got extremely antsy soon after. Poor Eli spent the rest of the time chasing after them in the back, trying to keep them quiet. Then all the guests gathered in the garden for a champagne toast. Once again the cousins were disruptive and destructive: throwing rocks in the koi pond and pulling flowers off the bushes.
After appetizers and a quick dinner, Martin and Barbara took the boys home so we could enjoy the rest of the wedding. But somehow we ended up watching Lisa's kids instead! Gigi was upset and overtired, but couldn't find her mommy. Sammy was wandering around taking drinks from random cups. He was probably looking for soda, but who knows what he was actually drinking. After the cake was cut we finally tracked down Lisa and then left to head home.
In my mind, one of the greatest things about this wedding was seeing more guys on the dance floor than girls. I loved it! I know Seth and Rob had a blast. And, I got to see my parents going wild on the dance floor.