Last week was a busy one. On Sunday the 1st we went to see Ratatouille with Seth, Rob, Bryan and Logan. The kids, surprisingly, sat through the entire movie. This was Zachary's first movie, and he did get antsy near the end, but stayed in his seat. Compare that to Avery who tried to leave the the theater in the middle of his first movie.
On Monday I took the boys to get a haircut. Next we went to the toy store, then to the coffee place to get a drink and a muffin, and finally to the park. It was a breezy day so I didn't think the pool would be fun, but the park sure was.
Tuesday through Thursday we had more swim lessons for the boys. It was so cold in the pool that Zach was even less cooperative than last week. Avery almost refused to go in the water on Wednesday because he was so cold; luckily Eli was there to watch Zach so I could sit with Avery and get him warmed up to the water.
Lessons aside, the boys are coming along nicely. Zachary will voluntarily put his head under water and with water wings on he'll swim a short distance unaided. Avery can swim under water for as long as he can hold his breath, but he doesn't yet have the buoyancy or technique to keep his head above water.
On Tuesday we also had Leslie, Logan, and Kaylee came over to swim, and to watch Avery while Zachary and I had our swim lesson.
On Wednesday my family came over in the evening for dinner and fireworks. Eli set off "South Carolina" fireworks for an hour or so while we watched. He drew quite a crowd of our neighbors as well. The kids enjoyed the fireworks and doing sparklers, although Avery and Zach did not like the loud booming salutes.
On Thursday we had Jessica, Matt, and Annabelle over for dinner and to light off leftover fireworks. Eli said at the end that he was plenty tired and that his inner pyro would be sated for quite a while.
Friday was our shopping day and I had my 18 week prenatal appointment. So far so good!
On Saturday we ended the week with Logan's third birthday party. The kids played with toys, and each other, the whole time. This was great for Eli and I because we didn't have to watch them constantly.