Christmas was its usual superlative self. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas Eve dinner, which was quite an elegant affair. After dinner we went to Hagerstown to celebrate and exchange gifts with the Spichers. The kids got some awesome gifts from their great-grandparents. They really know their toys!
Christmas morning we opened stockings and presents. The kids were nearly schizophrenic with glee; they would open a gift, play with it for a minute, and then immediately start looking around for a new gift. Avery was quite the little helper: he was able to find gifts with his, Zach's, and Leah's names on them and hand them out to the correct person.
Gifts were followed by a brunch that was unfortunately rushed; we were scheduled to be at my Uncle Scott's by 2pm. There is never enough time on Christmas day; I wish it were 48 hours long instead of 24. When we arrived at Scott's, dinner was almost over. Everyone wanted to meet Leah, so it was probably for the best. We got to see all the usual immediate family members, along with my Aunt Leslie, Uncle Pete, cousin Lee, and Grandee.