We are off to a good start for the new year: eating healthy, exercising, having fun. I guess it isn't much different than our normal life, but now that Leah is born I can move around and cook again so my outlook has improved. The weather has been very mild so we have been able to go out and play at the local parks.
Like the boys at this stage, Leah isn't even close to sleeping through the night. If we're lucky it'll happen around the 10 month mark. She wakes up anywhere from 2 to 4 times during the night to nurse, and sleeps a lot during the day as well. She has adjusted well to our schedule of me driving the boys to school all week and running random errands.
Leah rarely ever cries for any extended period of time. There is some fussiness when she is tired, and a cry to let me know she is awake or hungry, but other than that she is an easy baby. She loves to be held, and I currently have her sleeping in our bed at night. In another month or so we'll transition her to the crib, at least for the "first sleep".