Happy Birthday Avery! Our big boy just got a little big bigger. Eli and I have been looking at each other and wondering what happened to the last five years.
Avery loves school, for the play time of course, but I think he is also learning by osmosis. He can write all his letters, and will write words if you force him to sit still and do it. Pushing him to do anything is a struggle; if you can trick him into thinking it is a game he will participate whole-heartedly.
Avery's favorite TV show / licensed character is Scooby Doo. He loves his nightly bedtime story, and pays very good attention despite distractions from Zach and Leah. He enjoys anything on the computer, or his Leapster game player. He has good eye / foot co-ordination and can dribble the soccer ball around. He's also speedy on his feet and in the pool, so we may try swim team in a year or two.
Before I forget, his favorite color is pink. Eli got him a Red Power Ranger costume and he was upset that it wasn't pink for a couple of days. I can't wait to see if it's still his favorite color in ten years...
On his birthday Eli took a half day. Per Avery's request we went to Chick-Fil-A and let them play in the gerbil maze for an hour. Back at home we had presents and video games, and then Eli surprised us with tickets to the Big Apple Circus. Then on Saturday we had a party for "older" kids, and on Sunday we had family over. The cake and cupcakes were commissioned from our friend Heidi.