Zachary had preschool orientation on Thursday. At first I thought he might get upset when I left (on the way to Golden Pond he told me he didn't want to go to school) but it turned out just fine. When we walked in the classroom he immediately found a puzzle he wanted to play with, I said goodbye, and then I left. He played the entire 45 minutes without even wondering where I was. When Avery and I returned, he didn't even want to leave. I hope it will be just as easy tomorrow for his first full day, especially since his teacher will unload him from the carpool lane and take him inside without me.
Zachary had a great first day! When I pulled up to drop him off he didn't even say goodbye to me! (sob) When I came back to pick him up the assistant teacher said he didn't cry and was very busy with everything. As with Avery I didn't get much in the way of details about his day, other than: he played with play dough and played with toys. Later I figured out that he must have played in the sandbox because he got sand all over the sofa. He is really excited to go back next week, although I'm not sure he understands it won't be for 6 more days.