Nora told us at the outset that San Francisco was a walking town. She was not kidding. We started the morning with a walk to her place, just over a mile from our hotel. We went through Chinatown, which I enjoyed. Yes I know it's all tourist trash and gee-gaws, but I liked it.

After we had a chance to check out her apartment, we walked across town (uuuuuuup, then dowwwwwwwwn) to one of Nora's favorite brunch spots, Perry's. After eating we started back, ducking into boutiques, then decided to shift course and walk to Ghirardelli Square by Fisherman's Wharf. At the time we figured we might take the trolley car back, but when we saw the hour long line Eli convinced me we could walk back to our hotel.

Now technically, he was right. It was not THAT far; we had walked a route that would look like a figure eight from above, and the return to the hotel would connect it up perfectly. But after already walking something like 5 or 6 miles, neither of us was prepared. It was a long slow walk. Oh and did I mention we were pushing Leah in the stroller? :-)
There was a silver lining. We got to look down Lombardi street from the top, and we had some amazing views of Alcatraz and the city. And when we finally got back, the hotel hot tub opened its arms wide and gave us a warm wet hug (as did the beers we picked up at a licquor store about a block away).