Leah has hit nine months and had her latest checkup. The doctor says she is having steady, healthy growth. Her new stats are:
Height: 27.25 inches (50%)
Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz (50%)
Her personality has become pronounced. She is a happy happy girl. I probably sound like a broken record saying that all the time, but the difference re the boys is pronounced. Or, Eli and I have really just lost our minds; melted away under the stress of parenting.
But back to Leah: she can be mischievous, but smiles wide when caught. She throws little tantrums when something is taken away, but they are short lived and she can be distracted out of them. Eli says he hopes that never stops or we will be in trouble when she's a teenager.
Leah can also speak. She pretty distinctly says maaamaaamaaamaaamaa when she wants me or sees me, and says daaadaaaadaaadaaaadaa when Eli gets home from work, or enters or leaves the room.
At the end of our trip to San Francisco we realized she had cut her fifth tooth. That makes four out of five that came when we were traveling or on vacation. Thanks girlie!