This spring the boys are playing in a tot soccer league. It is every Saturday at 11:30am for the next two months. They are in the same class, which is nice because we won't have to split up, and we won't have to devote half the day to soccer. At this age there are no games or scrimmages, just activities and drills to build up their skills and get them comfortable with the ball.
Last week was the first class of the season. The first thing we noticed was that soccer is serious business in Loudoun County. The field where we met had at least 12 teams (of various ages and skill levels) practicing every hour, starting at 8:30 and running until some time in the afternoon. And this was just one local elementary school.
It is entertaining to watch the kids, and to watch their coach cajole them into participating. They do warm-up exercises, running exercises, kicking drills, and ball-control drills. For the kids it all seems like playing games, but you can see that they are picking up the foundation of the skills necessary to play a real game of soccer.
The only downside was picking up a little sunburn. Even little Leah got some on her arms and head. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that we could get a burn in the middle of April. I guess in my mind I only equate "hot sun" with "sun burn".