Height: 25 3/4 inches (50%)
Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz (50%)
Leah is at that stage where she is puffed up like the Pillsbury Dough Boy. Her rolls have rolls, and it is really cute. (I promise, future Leah, it's not a bad thing!) The truth is, she is perfectly proportioned and exactly where she needs to be. For comparison, Avery was 27 inches and 18 lbs, Zachary was 26 1/4 inches and 18.5 lbs.
At 6 months, Leah has officially transformed from infant to baby. She has changed so much since her birth when she could sleep for the entire day. Now she spends the majority of her time awake and exploring the world around her (mostly, by putting every single thing she can pick up into her mouth).
The last month has been eventful. While in Asheville for Cait and Cullen's wedding, Leah got her first two teeth, the bottom middle ones. She now sits up very well and is eats many different foods. She has no problem trying new foods, but seems to prefer savory over sweet. She has started to push up into a crawling position, can roll around, and can scooch forward to reach toys out of arm's length.