Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The SUV of Pack'n Plays

With the boys old enough to stay on the beach for a couple of hours, we worried about what we would do with Leah. She didn't like wearing hats, and was just barely old enough to wear sunscreen, so we didn't want to slather her up too thickly.

Fortunately, we had seen a neighbor's "Pack'n Play Sport" earlier in the spring. It did not have a standard mattress, or any cloth components. Instead, it had a padded waterproof bottom, a vented dome to cover the top, and unfolded from a cylindrical bundle into a large octagon. It had been discontinued, but Eli was able to find one, new in the box, on Craigslist.

So we dragged our new Pack'n Play out to the beach every day. For some reason it never worked out as a place for naps; even when sleepy, the act of putting Leah down inside always woke her up. But she was usually content to play inside for 15-20 minutes at a time. And it worked out great for Leah's second cousin Cora (3 months) who did take a number of naps inside while out on the beach.

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