At seven months, Leah is still working on trying to crawl. She pushes up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth, sometimes getting a few inches forward but just as often moving backward. She doesn't get far, which is good for me because I can leave her in the family room while I cook and clean up in the kitchen.
She is also working on pulling up. She hasn't quite made it all the way, but if we stand her up, especially against a toy or the sofa with toys on it, she will stay up playing for a minute or two. The excitement of watching her brothers hasn't worn off either. Now she tries to get their attention by screaming at them. For every time the two of them are annoying, there is another time where they help out by keeping Leah entertained.
Food-wise, Leah is eating more solids. She loves Cheerios and still isn't a big fan of bananas, but I put some on her tray most mornings because they keep her occupied (easy to push around, hard to pick up). I love that she can feed herself now because it is very time consuming to feed Leah, feed myself, and feed the boys. It is not uncommon for the boys to eat separately for breakfast and lunch, though we nearly always make it a point to sit down together for dinner.