Every month Avery's JK class has a new project. January was about Transportation. They had a field trip to the Transportation Office in Leesburg where the buses get clean and sleep for the night. The kids asked tons of questions and learned so much about school buses. In class they built a replica of a school bus with huge card board boxes. Day after day Avery would get into the car and tell me a little more about the bus building. "Mommy today we made orangy yellow paint to paint the school bus." Well I guess that explained the color on his clothes. One morning his assistant teacher loaded Avery into the car and was proud to tell me that Avery thought the bus was lacking a grill on the bus, so they made one to put on the front. I have to admit, I was proud of him too. He has also mastered reading Emergency Exit.
Yesterday was the culmination of the "Transportation Project." The parents were invited to view what the children had created. They also had story boards of how they learned about buses. After Avery showed me all that he did, he got to eat a bus cookie that one of the parents made. It was a fun morning.