It has been an unusually busy February. Most weekends were spent going to birthday parties, and celebrating Zachary's birthday, which seemed to go on for weeks.
Some updates of the kids. First off, Avery, is continuing to surprise me. His knowledge of the world is growing by leaps and bounds. He also can sound out words. He is a little unsure of himself, but we know he can do it. His teacher will send home books that the students put together and he can read the books cover to cover, some of it memorized, but the rest sounding out. I'm excited about this development, but Avery rather play video games, then read books right now.
Zachary is doing very well in school. I thought Avery was my artist, but Zachary seems to be enjoying art more right now. Maybe it is an age thing. He is also starting to read a little. He can sound out all his letters and spell a couple of words. Avery is definitely leading and teaching his brother some of these skills.
Leah, as you can imagine, is blossoming into a little girl. She follows everything we do. Just yesterday, she opened the door to the trash can and threw away trash. How did she even know it was trash? She has three distinct words. Mommy, Daddy, and Daphne. It's really funny that she says Daphne and she knows which cat is Daphne. I give Leah cat treats and she will say "Daphne" and throw the treats at just Daphne and ignores Casper.
More to come. Leah has her 15 month doctor appointment on Thursday and Zachary has his 4 year. I'll post some stats.