So, we got to the beach and we have no drinks for the adults. Eli waits in line to get drinks. Everyone else goes to sit down for our lunch. The kids are hungry and eat and drink, we brought juice boxes for the kids. Eli was taking a long time and we're all hungry so my parents eat too and I nibble hoping to eat lunch with Eli. Dad checks on Eli who says to go to the other side to pick out a place. Dad doesn't really communicate that, so we put lotion on the kids, meanwhile Eli finally gets bottled water and starts to look for us. We finish up and go see why it is taking Eli so long. He isn't there, but the beach isn't too big, so we find him walking toward us. Of course, he is not hungry, so no lunch.
As soon as we get to the beach and the kids get in the water, Sam throws sand in Avery's eyes. He is very sensitive when it comes to his eyes. So, poor Avery cried for 20 or 30 minutes because his eyes hurt. We finally get him to nap on the beach. Eli fell asleep with Avery. Leah played in the sand because the surf was too harsh. Zachary, on the other hand, had a blast just laying in the surf, letting the waves take him in and out.
We are going to rethink going to St. Johns next year. It wasn't really worth waiting 2 hours by Ferry when half the family was miserable. But, we can say, we've been to St. Johns :).