Leah has also taken up singing and dancing. She loves to sing "Happy Birthday," we're not sure why she sings it, but it is very cute when she does. Every day the words get more and more clearer.
Listening is one of Leah's strong skills. When it's time to get shoes in the morning for school, she is the first to get her shoes on (she has some little croc like shoes that she can put on herself). She'll even get the boys' shoes and hand them to the boys. At bed time, she wants her toothbrush and will brush her teeth. Leah also knows a little sign language, so understanding her is pretty easy. She's got the pointer finger and the word "no" down.
Another new development for Leah is running, well she sort of skips around the house keeping up with the boys and chasing the cats.
Most of the time it is fun to have this growing toddler in our house and our first girl, so there are some differences in her development. One change is early tantrums. Even though they are more funny than anything else, we are trying hard to ignore these outburst.
She is in the second year of life, which means terrible 2's. The pediatrician said that she is fully capable of understanding time outs. So far, we give time outs when Leah hits. Oh yes, she is a big hitter and she thinks it is hilarious.
All in all we have a delightful firecracker and we are having so much fun with her. The boys love her and truly show their empathy. Zachary was upset when she got shots at the doctors. Avery couldn't stop wailing when Leah fell on the bunk bed and was bleeding. I'm in love with all our beautiful and sensitive kids.
Leah's stats are as follows:
weight: 21 lbs 9 oz
height: 30 1/2 inches