Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Things Not to Do at Night

We hit a small snag with Leah last night.

When Leah was first learning to nurse in the hospital, she was rather aggressive and did some damage to Sara's nipples. Since nursing is her only source of food, and occurs 5-8 times a day, there hasn't been much opportunity for Sara to heal. One breast has become increasingly painful every day.

Things finally came to a head last night, just after midnight, when Sara decided she needed to pump on one side for a few days. Here's the rub: we knew where the breast pump was, but had "hidden" all of our baby bottles and nipples. So, there was a rather frantic 1 to 2 AM ransacking of the house on my part to locate the missing pieces.

One silver lining: Leah nursed on the bottle like a champ on her very first try, and again this morning. It took only about half as long as nursing, and didn't to make her gassy or spit up.