Thursday, January 10, 2008

Avery's Preschool Progress

Avery has been going to preschool since last fall and seems to be learning new things every day. Just today he was playing a preschool video game on the Sesame Street website. The goal was to find the three objects (out of six) that begin with the letter they show. To my amazement he said the names and sounded out the first letters.

If you take the time to go through the sounds of a word with him, he can spell them out. He is also in a rhyming phase, which is pretty amusing to hear. And he can spell and write his name with no trouble. Sometimes the letters come out backwards, and sometimes he writes them from right to left ('yrevA') but he seems to do it on purpose rather than by mistake. I wouldn't be surprised if he is able to read before Kindergarden starts, a year and a half from now. Eli and I are both very proud of him.