Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Leah Eats Sand at the Beach

I said at the outset of this trip that Leah would probably stuff her face with sand. Shocker: my prediction was spot on! When I put her down in the surf she was immediately excited by the waves and went crazy splashing at the water. When she does that Eli says she looks like a bird flapping her wings (it's the exact same thing that she does in the bath and at the pool).

After a minute or two she slowed down and noticed the brown oatmeal-looking stuff all around her. She reached down and felt the texture with her fingers. Then she grabbed a fistful and squeezed it out. And then, in a blink, she lifted her hand to her face, stuck out her tongue and gave it a lick.

I'm not sure what things, in a baby's mind, are not good to put in your mouth. Certainly sand does not fall into that category; Leah began to grab fistfuls and cram them into her mouth. At this point I had to put a stop to it. Dr. Eileen assured us it wasn't really harmful, but "not harmful" is not the same as "good for you". And besides.. sandy diapers are no fun to clean up.

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