Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mad Memory Skills

Avery and Zachary have been displaying some incredible memory skills. There is a show that they watch on TV (yes, I know, TV bad) called Little Einsteins. Each episode has a story that revolves around a famous artist and classical composer. The music is played throughout the show and the art usually shows up somewhere in the middle.

They have seen most of the episodes a couple of times now, but what i find to be very cool is that they can tell me the name of the episode from the snippet of classical music that is played. They can also repeat the tune and sing the song that the Little Einsteins sometimes make up. So impressive!

1 comment:

Jessica Monte said...

Hmmmm . . . Well, two smart parents usually makes for smart kiddos, but I didn't say that . . . =) or did I?