Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pre-Preschool Visits

Avery and Zachary's preschool teachers came over yesterday for home visits. Avery's new teacher Ms. Fey (pronounced "fie") stopped by first, at 8:30am. He was very excited to meet her and gave her a kiss on the cheek right away. She said that he was her first visit, so I'm hoping she remembers him on the first day. She asked Avery to draw a picture of himself and then took a picture of him. We got our first homework assignment: put a bag together with things that describe him.

Zachary's teacher Ms. Foster came over in the afternoon. She said that he is one of two Zacharys in his class of 15. Ms. Foster had Zachary make hand prints on construction paper. He loved it and was very excited when his hand was covered in blue ink. She took lots of pictures of Zachary, and some of all three of us, to use in various art projects during the year. She also asked Zachary what some of his favorite toys were and he showed her his marble race. He built some towers for her and got so happy he started jumping up and down. Frankly I was a bit surprised
by his reaction because he is often very shy. Zach's first homework assignment was to bring more pictures of himself and his family to school on the first day.

Orientation and school starts next week. Avery starts Tuesday and Zachary starts Friday. The whole family is excited for them to start preschool. I just hope they enjoy school and meeting new people and that the experience is positive so that school does not gain any negative connotations.

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