Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Biltmore Estate and Wedding Reception

We spent Saturday morning at the Biltmore Estate. It is the self-described biggest privately owned residence in the United States; it has 255 rooms. As we drove up to the house in a shuttle bus, the kids started exclaiming, "A castle! Look at the castle!" much to the merriment of the other passengers on the bus.

It took us about 2 hours to tour the public portions of this enormous house. One common comment people had was about how the bathrooms were so plain compared to the rest of the ornate rooms. Eli was taken with the relative modernity: built in the 1880s, it nevertheless had modern accouterments like electrical lighting, running water, central heat, elevators, intercoms, and an indoor swimming pool. This is one house everyone should see.

At 5pm was the big reception. The party we've been waiting for for the last 7 years (hehehe... kidding). Caitlin and Cullen were actually married in February, but this was their big celebratory shindig and we were happy to be there with them.

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